Congressional Medal of Honor Society

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America’s bravest patriots — recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor — were gathering for their annual convention and wanted to promote a message of service to country. Donations were requested to underwrite their convention and support living history programs. Concurrently, the nation was fighting in the Middle East. War protestor Cindy Sheehan was expected to interrupt the convention.


Key messages reminded the community it was our honor to be chosen as convention hosts. Messages also reinforced gratitude for military service and for the opportunity to learn first-hand from their examples of valor.

  • Arizona is privileged to host a distinguished group who are living examples of history and the bravest of American patriots.

  • Arizona appreciates the efforts and sacrifices made by all veterans. Their courage is our freedom.

  • True heroes never ask to be.

Fundraising was led by a host committee of influential business leaders, who donated in-kind services and encouraged others to give. Careful coordination kept external messages consistent, appropriate, and ensured that publicity did not incite conversation about unwelcome political topics. Selective pre-pitching, media briefings, and media credentialing appropriately framed the focus and maintained order to protect Medal of Honor recipients from invasive attention.


Targeted donor outreach generated $600,000 to surpass the fundraising goal, while sustained media coverage captivated the public via the daily newspaper’s expanded Sunday Opinion section, English and Spanish broadcast reports, high school assemblies, a memorial service, community picnic, and gala. Members of the public — young and old — eloquently summarized a key message for us: what an honor and privilege it was for Phoenix to host our esteemed military heroes.

Winner of IABC Silver Quill award.